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Nom: Gretel Lusky
Categorie: professionel

Hi there! I’m Gretel, an illustrator and character designer based in Argentina, where I studied a Visual Arts Degree at the National University of Arts. Back in 2015, I started my career in the animation industry as a Visual development artist and Character designer for 2D and 3D animated shorts, tv series and feature films. I continued working on a variety of projects including editorial work, book covers and concept art for videogames. Nowadays I’m pursuing my long-term dream of drawing comics. I recently illustrated the graphic novel 'Primer' for DC Comics, and I worked on projects for clients including Marvel, IDW Publishing, Simon & Schuster, Netflix, the Upper Deck Company, Mundoloco CGI Animation Studios, AZ Editora and Mcfly Studio, among others. I've also collaborated with brands and companies such as Warner Bros, Wacom, Stickerapp, XP-Pen, Spectrum Noir and Huion. My art is mostly inspired by poetry, music, nature and marine life. I love both traditional and digital mediums and I enjoy creating with whatever a can get my hands on! I also love superheroes, fantasy books, the sea & traveling as much as I can.

Nombre de vues: 3023
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