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Nom: Hyunsung Lee
Categorie: professionel

My name is Hyunsung Lee, but most people call me Creees. I recently graduated from SVA, School of Visual Arts in New York City, and I learned the ancient ways in becoming a comic artist. People often ask me how long I've been drawing and my answer is, "basically my whole life." I still have a drawing from when I was 3 or 4 years old hung up on my wall. My childhood was all about drawing Dragonball Z characters and was a pretty good childhood. Even though I stopped drawing Dragonball Z characters, I still continue to draw superheroes. Drawing is something I do because it literally keeps me alive; I can't imagine life if I wasn't able to draw. Now, I'm striving to become an awesome DC or Marvel comic know, like Jim Lee? Jim Lee is one of my greatest inspirations as well as the incredible Kenneth Rocafort. Other inspirations of mine are Klaus Janson, who was also my mentor at SVA, Matteo Scalera, and Sean Murphy. Their works are amazing and I hope that later I will have the same impact on others as they did for me.

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