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Nom: Cameron Knight

My name is Cameron Knight. I am Artist and Illustrator currently residing in Florida. From a very young age I developed a love for comics, cartoons, anime, and pretty much anything that is animated.These things are what inspired me to take my passion in drawing to the next level, hoping to be able to turn it into my career and I plan to do just that! I've learned that sometimes in life, you have to take risk. Pursuing my passion is a risk, but it is one that I am willing to take. I take what I do very seriously, yes sometimes I can be a little over critical of myself but aren't we all. Drawing is not just a hobby for me, it is apart of my life, it is who makes me... me! I've always wanted to be able to share a glimpse of my world, with the world, so thank you for checking out my artwork. Welcome to my imagination! Much Love!

Nombre de vues: 1164
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