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Nom: Mindy Lee
Categorie: professionel

Concept Artist/ Comic Artist Mindy Lee is an artist from Los Angeles, USA, who has enjoyed an extensive and varied career in the entertainment industry. Her first professional medium was video games– working as a Storyboard Artist at High Moon Studios, a Concept Artist at both Carbine Studios and Pandemic Studios, and a Senior Concept Artist at Amazon Games Studios. Alongside this, Mindy worked in animation– as a Background Designer for Warner Bros. Animation, a Background Artist for Elation Studios, and a Character Designer and Layout Artist for 6 Point Harness. Now, she’s bringing her experience and talent to the world of comics– most recently as the co-creator and artist of BOUNTY, and the artist of CRIMSON LOTUS, both published by Dark Horse Comics.

Nombre de vues: 1741
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