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Nom: Reilly Brown
Categorie: professionel

Reilly Brown is a comic book artist and illustrator who started self publishing comics in 2002. Since then he has done work for Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Archie, and Tantor Media on such titles as Deadpool, Amazing Spider-Man, Incredible Hercules and Lobo. He is also known for being a pioneer of digital comics, working with Comixology to bring his creator-owned series, Power Play, to life on mobile devices and digital media. Reilly is an active member of the comic book community, making appearances at many conventions and comic books stores every year. He has lectured at SCAD, VCU, and Pratt, and is a contributing member of the Comics Experience Creator's Workshop. Reilly is also a founding member of the internet artist collective Ten Ton Studios, as well as a founding member of Hypothetical Island Studios in Brooklyn, NY.

Nombre de vues: 1754
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