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Nom: Mike Maihack
Categorie: professionel

Hi! I’m Mike Maihack. I’m a graduate of the Columbus College of Art & Design, and spend most of my days working on comics! Most notably the Cleopatra in Space series of graphic novels published by Scholastic/Graphix and later adapted by DreamWorks into an animated show on NBCU’s new streaming service Peacock and on Hulu. Currently I’m working on a trilogy of Marvel team-up adventures for Abrams Books, the first of which, Spider-Man: Animals Assemble! is due out June 2023. Besides that, I’ve drawn (and still draw) quite a lot of other things too, most of which you can find here on this website, my patreon or on social media. If you want to get a better look at me or high five or something, you can find me in the humid macrocosm of Land O Lakes, Florida hanging out with my wife, two boys and one fluffy, magisterial cat. Otherwise, I show up at various schools and conventions throughout the year.

Nombre de vues: 1035
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