Hello les amis! C'est un article assez dur à écrire car un autre mythe se brise. On a eu droit en début de journée au scandale du mangaka de Kenshin et c'est au tour de John Lasseter, patron de Pixar. La news vient de Reuters. John Lasseter admet dans un mémo en interne avoir eu des comportements inappropriés envers certains employés. Il s'excuse et se met en congé pour une durée de 6 mois sans doute le temps de mettre en lumière et clarifier la situation à son encontre. Il reconnait avoir échoué à insuffler une culture de confiance et de respect dans ses studios.
Dans un communiqué, Disney a fait savoir qu'il apprécie ses excuses sincères et qu'il le soutient dans sa démarche de se mettre en retrait. L'onde de choc de l'affaire Harvey Weinstein continue à se propager, libérant la parole et les dominos tombent un à un. On a quasiment une affaire chaque jour et on se demande à qui sera le tour demain.
L'intégralité du mémo de John Lasseter:
I have always wanted our animation studios to be places where creators can explore their vision with the support and collaboration of other gifted animators and storytellers. This kind of creative culture takes constant vigilance to maintain. It’s built on trust and respect, and it becomes fragile if any members of the team don’t feel valued. As a leader, it’s my responsibility to ensure that doesn’t happen; and I now believe I have been falling short in this regard.
I’ve recently had a number of difficult conversations that have been very painful for me. It’s never easy to face your missteps, but it’s the only way to learn from them. As a result, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the leader I am today compared to the mentor, advocate and champion I want to be. It’s been brought to my attention that I have made some of you feel disrespected or uncomfortable. That was never my intent. Collectively, you mean the world to me, and I deeply apologize if I have let you down. I especially want to apologize to anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of an unwanted hug or any other gesture they felt crossed the line in any way, shape, or form. No matter how benign my intent, everyone has the right to set their own boundaries and have them respected.
In my conversations with Disney, we are united in our commitment to always treat any concerns you have with the seriousness they deserve, and to address them in an appropriate manner. We also share a desire to reinforce the vibrant, respectful culture that has been the foundation of our studios’ success since the beginning. And we agree the first step in that direction is for me to take some time away to reflect on how to move forward from here. As hard as it is for me to step away from a job I am so passionate about and a team I hold in the highest regard, not just as artists but as people, I know it’s the best thing for all of us right now. My hope is that a six-month sabbatical will give me the opportunity to start taking better care of myself, to recharge and be inspired, and ultimately return with the insight and perspective I need to be the leader you deserve.
I’m immensely proud of this team, and I know you will continue to wow the world in my absence. I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and look forward to working together again in the new year.